

Reinsurance is an attractive way to ensure long-term financial stability and profitability. Virtue Consulting has the experience and knowledge to help you find the right reinsurance solution if no reinsurance program is in place or, if you have previously implemented a reinsurance program, we verify the positive financial performance of that program and, if we find it is lacking and you agree, we change it out to one that better meets your short- and long-term financial goals.

We will begin with analysis to identify where reinsurance may help maximize your income opportunity – or if already engaged, how it may be improved. Reinsurance is not a “one-size-fits-all” solution, so we offer a full view of your options, a customized implementation plan, and a detailed explanation of how each option will impact your bottom line and tax liability.

A few of the reinsurance options we can explore for your dealership include:

• Controlled Foreign Corporation (CFC)
• Dealer Owned Warranty Company
• Customized Domestic Retro-Commission
• Captive Reinsurance Company

Still Have Questions?

Don’t hesitate to reach out to us anytime



10 N Newnan St suite 3,
Jacksonville, FL 32202
